Once upon a time there were two Giants in this land. Jock O Bennachie and Jock O Noth. Each lived on top of their hills surrounded by their kingdoms. The Giants became enemies over the affections of a mutually admired young lady and started to lob boulders at each other from their respective hills. One of these boulders on Tap O Noth is said to have the giant hand print of Jock O Bennachie. Jock O Noth retaliated over a near miss and threw another boulder at Jock O Bennachie which was drop kicked back to Tap O Noth and another boulder bares the imprint of Jock O Bennachie’s big toe.
Jock O Bennachie, it is said, fell into a slumber in a cave deep beneath the hill. He has locked himself in and the key is lost but legend has it that if the key is found he will awake.
Myths are often based on facts distrorted by time. The Giants could quite easily have been kings (“giants among men”) with rival kingdoms. There are impressive forts on both of these hills that are contemporary with each other. And perhaps there was a fair maiden that they both fell in love with or just fought over because she came with a kingdom of her own.